She Laughed

She Laughed 

She laughed when she told you
A laugh from lifetimes of joy
Bubbling over with sincerity 

She smiled when she told you
A smile that ceased to fade
That lit up her eyes with its truth 

The smile made her carefree
The laugh made her bold 
And the secret she told you? 

That her heart had broken. 

She told you of little wounds
Of her perpetual forgiveness  
Of the wrong and the reveal 

The bitter truth of reckoning 
With her own fragility and
Her life as the woman she belittled 

She dismissed her bravery said
Her dying heart forced her fight 
Embarrassed of having lost herself

She saw weakness that allowed scars 
Assumed the world would see the same 
So recoiling from pity and judgement

And armed with a laugh and a smile 
She told you her heart had broken 
And hoped you would not see.


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